
Story start

My aunt Donna was a good singer. She'd sing at most of the winter festivals at the community house, sometimes with Tip Nelson on guitar or Lora on piano. As far as Harbor's Reach goes, she was our Anita Colburn, our star singer. She'd traveled   Sure the singers we'd hear on the nexus in the post office were    was a regular at the  and sometimes at the community house My aunt told me once that

Transferred to google docs

 First tried out Campfire, read reviews for a lot of software, and decided to just set up a project folder inside of Google Docs. Cube world project is now there...

Story start (SR based)

 It was a real nexus cube. The same size and form as his own own scratchy black cube, but the layers turned so much easier. Like every cubeHe turned each of the six faces, each turn rotating one of three layers right or left, up or down, front or back.     Jet bounced the cube in his hand. "Aspirants ready." Jet turned his hand so the cube sat in the middle of his palm, his fingers forming an open cage around the cube as he had been instructed. He had seen nexus cubes before and witnessed their motions with awe. Now he had one in his hand. He focused his eyes and his thoughts on the cube. There would be time for marveling afterwards, this was his chance now and all that mattered would enfold in the next few seconds. He cleared his mind. The auditorium faded. The table before that stretched to the left and right, the row of people dimmed. It was just him, the cube, waiting for the signal. It was like waiting for the clock at school the year he got his first cube... It had

Speedcubing history as a backdrop

Need to decide where in time speedcubing is in development. 1974 - Cube invented first method: corners first 1978 - Singmaster makes general solution, notation, corners first 1979 - Singmaster beginner's method 1980 - first competition. winning time 55 seconds 1980 - world competition: 22.95 WR 1981 - 53  -  38  -  28  -  25 seconds  Fridrich figures out 2-look OLL. 2-look PLL    Cubeworld story takes place here.    F2L is two cubes in each slot, and then algorithms to flips the edges  1982 - Full OLL, PLL published. F does 18 secs in a tournament Late 1982 . modern F2L 1983 - 17 seconds  1996 - cube in cube  dark ages   1997 - CFOP 1999 - sub-20


 The cubes connect to dragon magic. The more pieces in place, and the faster they are in place, the more powerful the magic. Most people can solve one layer. It creates enough magic to: light a flame illuminate a room chase off bugs Two layers gives you level 2 spells, then there's 2.5 and 3. In a battle, you could attack weakly with level 1 or let it build to level 2. Your opponent might shield with level 1 and dampen your level 2... but if they could hit level 2.5 or even 3 before casting an offensive, your level 1 shield could go down. Learn your opponents weakness. Heat, perhaps? Do they sweat easily? A level 1 heat rush could throw them off enough that you can catch up to them. Build enough defense at level 2 to block their level 3 attack and then do a very fast level 3 and still have enough to beat them, even though they finished first. A battle is three solves perhaps, with time penalties depending on the previous round.

Finding teachers

 A theme can be Jet is finding teachers. Starts with beginner method, taught to him by a fisherman Dreams of being a cube star, but can only get speed around 30 seconds, you need 20 to be a star and he can't turn any faster. Meets someone who says he's been to the tourney and never seen anyone turn so fast. So, if they don't turn as fast yet can solve faster, then it's not his speed, it's his algorithms. With a time like that, you could get by in the outer districts. Village makes a collection so he can go to Eagle's fjord, or Windrage, or Orksinne  Sets out to make his fortune. Meets QB. She is impressed by his speed and wants to team up. She'll teach him, for a percentage. They agree on 30%. She teaches him faster edge algorithms, 2-look OLL and 2-look PLL. He starts writing his own notation, triggers, and stories. He picks up some one-hand tricks from her, shares some patterns he's learned (* important), they travel together towards Windrage. They los

The cubemakes me cry

 Jet gets tears in his eyes when he has the dragoncube